
A star fell into your eyes
No wonder that you are absolutly my nice
Give me a spirit to sail the life
Even the sorrow like a sharpest knife
Lead me to heaven, although she know who I am

Only a holy hand that want to touch me
Faith is yours, and I wanna see

A whole of my life like in a paradise
Here I am, let me to apoligize
Twinkling of your light gives me the eternal bright
Here I am, let me to apologize
Even I just sit and waiting for a hardly nod
Nothing that I need, beside you in my mind.

Baca:  Dongeng Sepatu

Whoa… your words in describing the thinking that you want to deliver is so good…
I mean the choice of the words…
Good work…
By Yoel

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Dimas Prasetyo Muharam
Dimas Prasetyo Muharam

Pemimpin redaksi Pria kelahiran Jakarta 30 tahun yang lalu ini hobi menulis dan betah berlama-lama di depan komputer. Lulus dari jurusan Sastra Inggris Universitas Indonesia 2012, dan pernah merasakan kuliah singkat 3 bulan di Flinders University, Australia pada musim semi 2013. Mengalami disabilitas penglihatan sejak usia 12 tahun, tapi tak merasa jadi tunanetra selama masih ada free wifi dan promo ojek online. Saat ini juga berstatus PNS Peneliti di Puspendik Balitbang Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan RI Kunjungi blog pribadinya di

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